We are all the same – shaped of the same clay, hardened in the same fire, beautified with the same love and broken by that same force of dreams and passion!

what amazing work this is. Stumbled upon this wonderful piece of collaborative art on BoredPanda.com.

I take no credit for this. This is the work of a brilliant brilliant  Keen Heick-Abildhauge – a Danish Photographer.

An excerpt from the post. Please find the mesmerizing pictures below the excerpt.

“This was my dream…

After having lived for some time in Russia, I began to dream about showing the world the beauty of Russia and especially the Russian people that I got to see in my every day life.

I wanted to share the diversity and beauty I am experiencing and I wanted to share the wonderful stories that Russian people think and dream about. I wanted to tell the stories that are not told when you are just passing by people on the street or sitting next to them at a cafe.

The stories are so magnificent and complex that it would not have been right to express them only in words which is why I tried to capture them in pictures. It took me over two years, and I met over 230 people and shot their portraits. This project has 100 pictures of people between the ages of one and one hundred. They all shared their dreams with me.”
